Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rough stuff

It's been forever since I updated this, but better late than never.. Lord have mercy, it's been a rough end of pregnancy. It seems like something is always going wrong.  Here's an overview of 32-39 weeks:

  • My blood pressure decided to sky rocket the remainder of my pregnancy.
  • My feet and calves were the size of hot air balloons. Enough to where I had to get an ultrasound to check for blood clots.
  • I had a weird episode where my right hand, side of my face, and tongue went completely numb and I couldn't talk, it just came out as jibberish. Diagnosed as a complex migraine.
  • I met with a neurologist, had an MRI done, and have to get an EMG done to check for bleeding & carpel tunnel.
  • They've tested me for pre-eclampsia twice.
  • I tested positive for group-B strep.
  • My heartburn/acid reflux has been HORRID..to the point of tears.
  • Daily headaches that no medication would touch.
Well that's the gist of it all. Needless to say, READY FOR BABYGIRL TO COME OUT!!